When FIT’s 75th anniversary advisory committee was established by President Brown more than a year ago, one decision was unanimous: that building on the college’s new brand program, our faculty and students would design an anniversary identity system. Indeed, this project would reflect the “creative crowdsourcing” objective of the brand work—to engage the FIT community to help shape and guide positioning.

This logo is the result of an outstanding collaboration between Communications and External Relations and the faculty and students from Advertising and Digital Design. This identity system will become the foundation for a commemorative book and merchandise, as well as an onsite experience, which will be executed collaboratively with faculty and students from Accessories Design and Visual Presentation and Exhibition Design.

C.J. Yeh / Christie Shin
Hira Ali / Tyisha Kellman / Margaret Panoti

The collaboration itself is inspired by Guided Experiential Learning, an initiative spearheaded by the C.J. Yeh and Christie Shin who teach courses in the Creative Technology and Design subject area. This new form of apprenticeship provides a “safe space” to link the theoretical academic studies with the sometimes unforgiving professional work environment.

And there is more to come!