CT412 601(F22)
Content-Centric App Design
Date & Time: Tuesday 10:10 am – 1:00 pm
Semester: Fall 2022
Professor: Christie Shin
Company website: Cynda Media Lab
Program Portfolio: Behance, Instagram
Email: christie_shin@fitnyc.edu
Classroom: C511
Office at FIT: D317
Office Hours: Monday 1 to 3, Tuesday 2 to 3, Wednesday 2 to 3
Schedule a meeting: Calendly
Prerequisite: CT300 Typography for Digital Content Design
Slack: CT412-601
Figma Team/FIT Fall2022
FIT Help Desk: TechHelp
Course Description
The main focus of the course is to create a content-centric App, which provides valuable and relevant content to users to enhance the brand experience. The class discusses product ideas, content marketing strategy, content development, use of emerging technology, branded experience, inclusive design, and global perspective in design. Topics covered in this course include but are not limited to communication design principles and applications in digital design, UX/UI design, navigation flow, use of creative technology, and Interaction design.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Conceptualize product ideas for a brand based on research
2. Build the right product for the right audience (Product Thinking)
3. Expand and apply UX/UI design principles, typography, design system, motion graphics, and interaction design
4. Execute product ideas and articulate design decisions
Propose a new product idea: A content-centric app that provides valuable/relevant/educational information to a specific target audience.
The possible platform for the app could be mobile devices (phone, tablet), onsite kiosks, or immersive environments (AR, VR, XR, MR). The possible product contents include but are not limited to educational, informational, personal interest, and creative exploration.
This project could extend the branded experience in digital products or provide more engaging interaction and immersive experiences. Each student must research their subject and develop the content for their app.
1. Project: 70 points
2. Professionalism (attendance, participation, etc.): 30 points
A/A-: 90% or above (A- 90-94 points, A 95 points above)
B+/B/B-: 89% – 75% (B+ 89-85 points, B 84-80 points, B- 79-75 points)
C+/C/C-: 74% – 60% (C+ 74-70 points, C 69-65 points, C- 64-60 points)
D: 59% – 51%
F: 50% or below
Weekly Outline
Week 1: 8/30/2022 Tue
1. Course & project introduction
2. Lecture
– Product design framework (5W1H)
3. In-class activity
– Group forming (4 per team)
– Brand selection
4. Homework
– Brand selection & research
– Product Design Framework: 5W1H
—— 9/5 Labor Day – College closed ——
Week 2: 9/6/2022 Tue
1. Lecture
– Product Thinking
2. Student presentation
– Brand selection & 5W1H
3. In-class activity
– Presentation feedback
3. Homework
– JTBD, hypothesis
Week 3: 9/13/2022 Tue
Guest Speaker: Ashley Aviles (LinkedIn, Website)
Topic: MHM Process
1. In-class activity
– Review JTBD, Hypothesis
2. Homework
– Product proposal
Week 4: 9/20/2022 Tue
Module 1 check-point
1. Student presentation (Module 1 check-point)
– Product proposal
2. Homework
– Taskflow (features)
—— 9/26, 9/27 Rosh Hashanah – College closed ——
Week 5: 10/4/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Features (taskflow) review
2. Homework
– Taskflow sketches
– Case study script
—— 10/4 Yom Kippur – Classes suspend at 4 pm. 10/5 Yom Kippur – College closed ——
Week 6: 10/11/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Case study script review
2. Homework
– Taskflow & script revision
Week 7: 10/18/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Taskflow & script review
2. Homework
– Wireframes
Week 8: 10/25/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Wireframe review
2. Homework
– UI design
Week 9: 11/1/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– UI design review
2. Homework
– UI design revision
Week 10: 11/8/2022 Tue
1. Student presentation (Module 2 check-point)
2. In-class activity
– UID/IxD Review
Week 11: 11/15/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Case study script
– Storyboard
2. Homework
– Completed case study script
– Storyboard
– IxD enhancement
Week 12: 11/22/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Progress review
2. Homework
– Case study video
—— Nov 24 – Nov 26: Thanksgiving Recess – College closed——
Week 13: 11/29/2022 Tue
1. Student: The case study video is due
2. In-class activity
– Progress review
2. Homework
– Case study presentation deck
– Website
Week 14: 12/6/2022 Tue
1. In-class activity
– Presentation progress review
2. Homework
– Final presentation
Week 15: 12/13/2022 Tue
Final Presentation
Guest Crit: Ricardo Medina (LinkedIn, website)
Keep and back up all the projects that you have done throughout the semester! You must submit all your projects for the final grade no later than the last day of class (Week 15)
Creative Technology & Design (CT&D) Attendance Policyities Policy
Attendance is not optional. If you are going to miss a class, you must contact the professor via email before the class. Due to the quantity of material covered in CT&D courses, the professor will not be able to spend additional class time reexplaining missed assignments or redo lectures. If a class is missed, it is your responsibility to get information regarding missed assignments and lectures from one of your classmates.
- Students are required to attend all classes, be on time, and remain for the entire class. Remote accommodation requires a Doctor’s note.
- If you have to attend remotely, you must turn on your webcam during class time.
- The student who arrives 10 minutes after the starting time of the class will be considered late.
- 2 late occurrences = one absence
- A student who arrives over 30 minutes late or does not return from the break will be considered absent from the class
- Active class participation is required, therefore, working on projects for a different class or using digital devices for socializing (texting, social media…etc.), or playing video games during class time will be recorded as an absence.
- Students who miss three classes for class meets once a week will receive a failing grade.
- An excused absence is still recorded as an absence. The difference is an excused absence won’t impact your grade for professionalism and class participation.
Note on Absences: Compliance with Fall 2022 Covid Protocol
For students in a testing protocol:
The Dean of Students will receive regular reports from Health Services for students who have not submitted their weekly PCR test results and are therefore non-compliant. Those students will receive an email each day of the week that they are scheduled to be at FIT reminding them that they have not submitted their information and that they are not permitted on campus until a negative PCR test or vaccination record has been submitted to the health portal. Faculty will receive an email each day of the week that their class is scheduled with a list of non-compliant students enrolled in that class. If a non-compliant student arrives at class, they will be instructed by the faculty member to leave the campus. If they refuse to comply, Public Safety will be called by the faculty member to escort the individual off-campus.
Failure to comply with weekly testing does not constitute an excused absence and/or permit a non-compliant student to attend class remotely. Extenuating circumstances will be discussed with the student’s academic department chair and dean.
Syllabi statement on classroom protocols, Fall 2021
The return to campus will mean adapting to new routines and standing together in our shared responsibilities. To support the health of our FIT community, every member of this course will commit to abide by the following guidelines:
- We, the students, faculty, and classroom personnel must wear masks in all indoor FIT spaces including classrooms, studios, labs, and hallways.
- We will wear masks such as N95s or other double-layered masks that cover our noses and mouths. We will follow NYC guidelines for mask-wearing: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/resources/facecoverings.page
- If we arrive on campus without a mask, we must pick one up from campus security desks before entering FIT buildings.
- If we don’t comply with this shared responsibility, we will be asked to leave the campus.
- We will monitor our health regularly, and, if feeling ill, we will stay home and seek Covid PCR testing before we return to campus.
- We will be mindful of spacing issues within the class, and practice reasonable distancing when practical.
- We affirm that we, as members of the FIT community, will provide proof of vaccination or proof of weekly Covid PCR testing results to FIT Health Services as outlined in campus communications.
Creative Technology & Design Policy on Plagiarism
Plagiarism and other forms of academic deception are unacceptable in any CT&D class. Each instance of plagiarism is distinct. A plagiarism violation is an automatic justification for an “F” on that assignment and/or an “F” for the course. A student found in violation of FIT’s Code of Conduct and deemed to receive an “F” for a course may not withdraw from the course prior to final grade assignments.
FIT Student Code of Conduct
Student Disability Services
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy
FIT’s Course Withdrawal Policy
Children on campus policy
Academic Advisement Center
FIT Writing & Speaking Studio
FIT Counseling Services
Academic Skills Tutoring Center
Dean of Students Office
Technical Support for Blackboard with Open SUNY Help Desk
Additional Course Information:
Credits/Hours: 2/3
Grade appeal process: http://www.fitnyc.edu/registrar/grades/appeal.php for more information.
Library Resources: FIT Library Databases
Academic Advisement Center: http://www.fitnyc.edu/academic-advisement/index.php
Technical Requirements: High-speed internet and Adobe CC
Textbooks and Required Materials: Lecture slides will be provided every week after class,