CT200 65B/Spring 2021

CT200 Content Design and Research for Artists

Date & Time: 65B: Monday Wednesday 6:30 – 9:20 pm
Semester: Spring 2021
Professor: Christie Shin
Company website: Cynda Media Lab
Program Portfolio: Behance
Email: christie_shin@fitnyc.edu
Classroom: Zoom (Check the class Slack for Zoom information)
Office at FIT: Zoom
Office Hours: Monday 1 to 2, Tuesday 5 to 6, Wednesday 4 to 6
PRE-REQ: None, CO-REQ: None
Slack: Please join the class Slack channel. This is the main communication hub.
Figma Team/FIT Spring 2021:
FIT Help Desk: TechHelp

Course Description
This course introduces the fundamentals of design research methods, as well as the content design principles and skills necessary to communicate the findings. The primary goal of the course is to enable students to develop meaningful content and an effective presentation through the process of content design. The creative outcomes including both physical and digital designs.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the content design research methods
2. Demonstrate the ability to create visual and textual content to communicate findings
3. Apply fundamental image editing and create digital collages
4. Apply fundamental typographic design principles
5. Create and prepare digital files for print and all screen-based media

Required Software
We will use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. FIT students have access to these programs, a part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, at no cost. Please visit https://it.fitnyc.edu/adobe for more information.
We will also use Google suite.

Projects & Evaluation
1. Brochure design (20 points)
2. Portfolio book (40 points)
3. Interactive book (20 points)
2. Professionalism (attendance, participation, presentation, etc./20 points)

Project 1: Brochure design
Through a design research process, each student develops text and visual content for a brochure. For the subject, each student will select one inspiring artist or an art movement that has a significant impact on his or her creative process and artwork.

– Topic: Inspiring artist, designer, or an art movement
– Format: half fold brochure
– Dimension: 10” x 16” spread (8” x 10” single page)
– Duration: 4 week

Project 2: Portfolio book
Create a portfolio book, including biography, artist statement, process, and final work. Students will start with writings and select portfolio pieces. Then, collecting process photos/images and add a description. Finally, put together all the content and design a personal portfolio in InDesign.

– Topic: Personal portfolio
– Format: Saddle stitch binding/perfect binding (perfect bound 20-240 pages)
– Dimension: TBA (see the size reference in the link. https://www.blurb.com/book-dimensions)
– Duration: 6 weeks

Project 3: Interactive book (group project)
Students will start the project with research on a specific topic and develop an interactive book’s concept and content. Each student will choose three alphabet letters, communicate the theme with a letter, start with a chosen alphabet, and design with visual elements. Students will produce an interactive, collaborative alphabet book both as physical and interactive media.

– Topic: Inclusion, diversity, accessibility.
– Format: Interactive and collaborative book
– Dimension: TBA (1920 x 1024 pixel)
– Duration: 4 weeks

Weekly Outline

Week 1: 1/27/2021 Wed
1. Introduction of the class, syllabus, writing studio,

2. In-class workshop
– Slack and Google drive setup
– Form study groups (5) and elect a captain
– WebEx breakout room
– Survey InDesign, Photoshop, Mac environment

3. Lecture
– Project 1 introduction

4. Breakout session
– Possible subject discussion
– Start research

Week 2: 2/3/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– The textual and visual content
(1. Textual content 2. Bibliography and image list 3. Image assets)
– Writing studio (extra credit)

2. Lecture
– Elements of Typography
– Google fonts (installation)
– InDesign: page setup, place content
– Type pairing, moodboard, sketches

3. In-class workshop
– Type pairing InDesign file

Week 3: 2/10/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Type pairing & sketches InDesign file

2. Lecture
– Layout Design
– Grid System
– Package & export

3. In-class workshop
– Review progress

Week 4: 2/17/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Project 1 – 1st draft

2. Lecture
– InDesign demo 2 (positive thinking)
– Page element

3. In-class workshop
– Review progress

Week 5: 2/24/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Project 1 due
– Bring your portfolio work

2. Lecture
– Project 2 introduction
– InDesign demo 3 (bookmaker)

3. In-class workshop
– Review portfolio work and define the project

Week 6: 3/3/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Biography
– Artist statement
– Visual assets
– Additional writing component (i.e. process)
Writing studio (extra credit)

2. Lecture
– Page Elements
– InDesign ex 3 (positive thinking)

3. In-class workshop/breakout session
– Review writing
– Type pairing, mood board, sketch layout
– Page set up for the 2nd project

Week 7: 3/10/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Type pairing
– 1st draft

2. Lecture
– Typographical Components

3. In-class workshop
– Review student work

Week 8: 3/17/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– 2nd draft

2. In-class workshop
– Review progress

Week 9: 3/24/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Cover

2. In-class workshop
– Review progress

—— 3/29 – 4/4: Spring Recess – College closed——

Week 10: 4/7/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Project 2 due

Week 11: 4/14/2021 Wed
1. Lecture
– Project 3 Introduction (Screen-based project)

2. In-class workshop
– Research on the topic
– Planning the section

Week 12: 4/21/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Content development both textual and visual.
– 1st draft

2. In-class workshop
– Review progress

Week 13: 4/28/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– 2nd draft

2. In-class workshop
– Review progress

Week 14: 5/5/2021 Wed
1. Assignment due:
– Project 3 due

2. In-class workshop
– Creating an Interactive book

Week 15: 5/12/2021 Wed
1. Final meeting

Keep and backup all the projects that you have done throughout the semester! You must submit all your projects for the final grade no later than the last day of class (Week 15)

Attendance Policy
Attendance is not optional. If you are going to miss a class, you must contact me via email ASAP. Due to the quantity of material covered in the course, I will not be able to spend class time explaining missed assignments or redo lectures. If a class is missed, it is your responsibility to get information regarding missed assignments and lectures from one of your classmates.

  1. Students are required to attend all classes, be on time, and remain for the entire class.
  2. Just like face-to-face classes, you are expected to turn on your webcam during class time for remote learning. Contact professor if special circumstances in which webcam can not be available.
  3. Three absents will result in a one letter grade deduction.
  4. Students who miss three classes will receive a grade of “F.”
  5. The student who arrives 10 minutes after the start of the class will be considered late
  6. 2 late occurrences = one absence
  7. A student who arrives over 30 minutes late or not returning from the break will be considered absent from the class
  8. Working on projects for another class or using digital devices for socializing (texting, social media…etc.) or gaming during class time will be recorded as an absence
  9. An excused absence is still recorded as an absence. The difference is an excused absence won’t impact your grade for professionalism and class participation.

Grading / Point system
A : 100 – 95
A- : 94 – 90
B+ : 89 – 85
B : 84 – 80
B- : 79 – 75
C+ : 74 – 70
C : 69 – 65
C- : 64 – 60
D: 59 – 51
F: 50 or below

CT&D Recording Classroom Activities Policy
I. Introduction
Written permission is required in order to record classroom lectures, discussions, presentations (“lectures”), or other activities. When granted, permission to record lectures is subject to the limitations set forth in this policy. Violations of this policy may constitute copyright infringement in violation of federal or state law and may be subject to disciplinary action.

II. Definitions
A. Course Materials mean lecture notes, outlines, slides, Powerpoint presentations, readings, or other content made available to students by the instructor or presenter, or through any online learning system.

B. Recording means a video or audio replication or photographic image recorded on devices including, but not limited to, audio recorders, video recorders, cell phones, Smartphones, digital cameras, media players, computers, or other devices that record images or sound.

III. Requirements and Limitations
A. Written Permission
Recording of classroom lectures is prohibited unless advance written permission is obtained from the class instructor and any guest presenter(s). An instructor may provide such permission to an entire class as part of the course syllabus or other written description of a course. Students who require recording or other adaptations of lectures as a reasonable accommodation for a disability in advance of the lecture in order to obtain permission for the recording.

In the event permission to record classroom lectures is granted, the professor may notify all students, speakers and other lecture attendees in advance that recording may occur. Every effort should be made to protect the confidentiality of a student with a disability who is being granted an accommodation, i.e. the professor will not name the student who is doing the recording when it is due to disability accommodation.

B. Limitations on Use of Recordings and Materials
Permission to allow lecture recording is not a transfer of any copyrights in the recording or related course materials. Such recordings and materials may be used only for individual or group study with other students enrolled in the same class, and may not be reproduced, transferred, distributed, or displayed in any public or commercial manner.

Students must destroy recordings at the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in the class.

Communication Design Pathways Department Policy on Plagiarism
Within the Communication Design Pathways Department, plagiarism and other forms of academic deception are unacceptable. Each instance of plagiarism is distinct. A plagiarism violation is an automatic justification for an “F” on that assignment and/or an “F” for the course. A student found in violation of FIT’s Code of Conduct and deemed to receive an “F” for a course may not withdraw from the course prior to final grade assignments.

FIT Student Code of Conduct
Student Disability Services
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy
FIT’s Course Withdrawal Policy 
Children on campus policy
Academic Advisement Center 
FIT Writing & Speaking Studio
FIT Counseling Services
Academic Skills Tutoring Center
Dean of Students Office
Technical Support for Blackboard with Open SUNY Help Desk

Additional Course Information:

Credits/Hours: 2/3

Grade appeal process: http://www.fitnyc.edu/registrar/grades/appeal.php for more information.

Library Resources: FIT Library Databases

Academic Advisement Center: http://www.fitnyc.edu/academic-advisement/index.php

Technical Requirements: High-speed internet and Adobe CC

Textbooks and Required Materials: Lecture slides will be provided every week after class.